Elias Shiffman

Elias Shiffman

Last seen: 10 months ago

Member since Apr 7, 2024 eliasshiffman@gmail.com

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6. Clean Water and Sanitation
In Colorado, Residents Seek to Protect Their Dream Homes From a Fracking Nightmare

In Colorado, Residents Seek to Protect Their Dream Home...

Coloradans of Aurora are fighting, along with the local government, against a ne...

12. Responsible Consumption and Production
Water-Stressed Arizona Says State Will End Leases to Saudi-Owned Farm

Water-Stressed Arizona Says State Will End Leases to Sa...

A Saudi owned farm in Arizona has been pumping out tons of groundwater from the ...

12. Responsible Consumption and Production
Japan's thirst for biomass is having a harmful impact on Canada's forests

Japan's thirst for biomass is having a harmful impact o...

The logging industry in British Columbia has been on a tear for the past century...

12. Responsible Consumption and Production
Take out dams and keep the Snake River salmon’s last, best place

Take out dams and keep the Snake River salmon’s last, b...

The upper Snake river of the PNW is one of the last great habitats for Pacific S...

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
Nowhere for the water to go: Dubai flooding shows the world is failing a big climate change drainage test

Nowhere for the water to go: Dubai flooding shows the w...

Record rainfall in Dubai has left many parts of the city underwater. This is mai...

7. Affordable and Clean Energy
Oregon’s Rural Power Utility Has Become a Big Polluter

Oregon’s Rural Power Utility Has Become a Big Polluter

With the arrival of Amazon data centers in rural eastern Oregon, a small power g...

15. Life on Land
Wild Idea Buffalo Co.: A sustainable approach to bison farming and grassland regeneration

Wild Idea Buffalo Co.: A sustainable approach to bison ...

This ranch is leading the way to a more sustainable way of growing meat by getti...

3. Good Health and Well-being
The First Chinese Edited Babies: A Leap of Faith in Science

The First Chinese Edited Babies: A Leap of Faith in Sci...

The groundbreaking birth of genetically edited twins in China has sparked debate...

7. Affordable and Clean Energy
Colorado School of Mines and Carbon America awarded $32.6M from U.S. Department of Energy CarbonSAFE Initiative

Colorado School of Mines and Carbon America awarded $32...

With this influx of DOE funding, a massive carbon capture project in Pueblo cou...

7. Affordable and Clean Energy
Aircela Gets Funding From Maersk Growth To Start Field Testing

Aircela Gets Funding From Maersk Growth To Start Field ...

With Maersk's pledge to switch to green efuels for its ship's engines, they have...

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