1. No Poverty

ICYMI: Legislation to Increase Penalties for Child Labor Violations Becomes Law

ICYMI: Legislation to Increase Penalties for Child Labo...

ICYMI: Legislation to Increase Penalties for Child Labor Violations Becomes Law ...

SDG development in India

SDG development in India

This articles discusses a new initiative that the Rockefeller Philanthropy organ...

China Tries To Censor Data About Nearly 1 Billion People in Poverty

China Tries To Censor Data About Nearly 1 Billion Peopl...

Report on actual financial state of rural China, and how true statistics are bei...

Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 1

Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 1

UN's Sustainable Development Goal 1 targets poverty eradication, encountering ch...

Mexico's poverty rate declines from 50% to 43.5% in four years as remittances almost double

Mexico's poverty rate declines from 50% to 43.5% in fou...

According to a new study, the poverty rate in Mexico has declined from 49.9% in ...

UN calls for pay cap for workers in 'destructive industries'

UN calls for pay cap for workers in 'destructive indust...

The United Nations released a report calling for higher wages for essential work...

Number of children living in extreme poverty nearly triples in five years

Number of children living in extreme poverty nearly tri...

The Joseph Roundtree Foundation reports child poverty in the UK has nearly tripl...

Volatility and Change in Suburban Nonprofit Safety Nets

Volatility and Change in Suburban Nonprofit Safety Nets

The study explores the effectiveness of nonprofit health and human service organ...

Central African Republic Can Lift Millions Out of Poverty by Revitalizing its Agricultural Sector: World Bank Report

Central African Republic Can Lift Millions Out of Pover...

The World Bank's Economic Update for the Central African Republic underscores th...

U.N. Report: States Are Not on Track to Meet Sustainable Development Goals

U.N. Report: States Are Not on Track to Meet Sustainabl...

According to a UN program, governments are, on average, less than halfway toward...

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