Meal Prepping Isn't as Scary as You Think

Reducing domestic and personal food waste through meal prepping can be beneficial to both our wallets and the planet.

Meal Prepping Isn't as Scary as You Think

Meal Prepping: it doesn't have to be intimidating. AND it can be an amazing personal step towards sustainable living.

Take a few minutes each week to jot down when and what, generally, you're going to eat over the 7 days. 'What' doesn't have to be spot on or concrete, maybe it's just whether you're cooking, eating out, or having leftovers. Motivate yourself by keeping personal goals in mind, like eating healthier, spending less money, building a routine, or trying new recipes.

Take another step by planning out what recipes or items you'll use with each meal, if applicable. Planning these out ahead of time makes grocery shopping easier and also reduces the amount of uneaten or expired food that ends up in landfill. 

If you want to prep meals to take to work, school, etc., you could also help the earth. Investing in long-lasting, multipurpose containers can reduce the overall amount of takeout and packaging waste that also clogs landfills.