Micaiah Will

Micaiah Will

Last seen: 4 months ago

Member since Nov 20, 2024 micaiahwill@gmail.com

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11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
Trees suffocated by concrete are being ‘liberated’ by an army of community activists in Mexico City

Trees suffocated by concrete are being ‘liberated’ by a...

Activists in Mexico City are aiding in urban trees' health and replanting more t...

13. Climate Action
In despair about Earth’s future? Look for green shoots

In despair about Earth’s future? Look for green shoots

Finding hope in new innovations and developments to see where we are progressing...

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
How our regions can help make Australia’s growing cities more sustainable

How our regions can help make Australia’s growing citie...

By connecting multiple cities together with public transportation, commerce can ...

2. Zero Hunger
Fight against global hunger set back 15 years, warns UN report

Fight against global hunger set back 15 years, warns UN...

Progress fighting global hunger has been set back 15 years, leaving around 733 m...

13. Climate Action
Seven of nine planetary boundaries breached, and other nature and climate stories you need to read

Seven of nine planetary boundaries breached, and other ...

A summary of four status updates on the climate, along with a summary of the pla...

10. Reduced Inequality
Developing countries face $4 trillion investment gap in SDGs

Developing countries face $4 trillion investment gap in...

According to a new UNCTAD report, developing countries actually face a staggerin...

10. Reduced Inequality
More Than 1 Billion People Live in Acute Poverty. Half Are Children and Many in Conflict Zones

More Than 1 Billion People Live in Acute Poverty. Half ...

A new report says more than 1 billion people in the world live in acute poverty,...

12. Responsible Consumption and Production
The blue-green sustainable proteins of seaweed may soon be on your plate

The blue-green sustainable proteins of seaweed may soon...

The protein in sea lettuce, a type of seaweed, is a promising complement to both...

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
Environmental Benefits of Public Transit

Environmental Benefits of Public Transit

Public transportation decreases greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the densi...

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