Humans are Shifting the Planet: The Shocking Truth About Groundwater Pumping

A quiet but frightening transition is taking place on our planet, one that is upending the entire fabric of who we are. The overpumping of groundwater is a hidden catastrophe that is gradually altering our society while climate change frequently dominates the news. This concerning issue is supported by scientific data and poses a threat to drastically alter the Earth’s surface. Here, we summarize the key points of each article regarding how groundwater depletion could potentially change the course of history.

Humans are Shifting the Planet: The Shocking Truth About Groundwater Pumping

For drinking water, agriculture, and industrial use, groundwater is an essential resource. However, groundwater pumping by humans is out of control, leading to a host of issues like land subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and even a tilting of the planet’s axis.

According to a recent study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, the Earth’s poles drifted by around 2.6 feet between 1993 and 2010 as a result of groundwater extraction and sea level rise. Although it might appear insignificant, this quantity has a big enough impact on the planet’s rotation and climate.

The authors of the study, who were led by Ki-Weon Seo of Seoul National University, utilized a computer model to estimate how groundwater pumping would affect Earth’s rotation. The researchers discovered that the planet’s axis is moving eastward as a result of the redistribution of water mass from the continents to the oceans.

The study:

As we know it, the Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its axis. This tilt causes some parts or countries of the world to experience different climatic conditions; worth mentioning are the changes in seasons experienced by countries located closer to polar regions and temperate countries. However, based on a recent study conducted by researchers at Seoul National University, they found out that, from 1993 to 2010, the Earth’s tilt wobbled from its original orientation to 31 inches east. Moreover, the team suggested that the alteration of the Earth’s axial orientation significantly alters the distribution of global water, thus affecting the Earth’s total mass distribution. Scientists described this scenario in which the Earth’s mass becomes unbalanced due to a significant loss of groundwater in some parts of the world. Meanwhile, other countries, especially those at the north pole, experience an increase in the water level primarily driven by their increased exposure to sunlight, causing early glacial melting. The unexpected melting of the cryosphere adds weight to some parts of the world and causes an imbalance in the Earth’s total mass.

This shift in the axis is causing changes in the length of the day and the seasons. It is also making it more difficult for scientists to predict climate change.

The findings are a wake-up call about the dangers of over pumping groundwater. This practice is not only unsustainable, but it is also causing serious problems for the planet.

Other shocking facts about groundwater pumping:

  • Groundwater pumping is estimated to cause 11% of global sea-level rise.
  • Groundwater depletion is a major contributor to land subsidence, which has caused billions of dollars in damage to infrastructure around the world.
  • Groundwater pumping can also lead to saltwater intrusion, which can contaminate drinking water supplies.

What can be done to address the problem?

There are a number of things that can be done to address the problem of over pumping groundwater, including:

  • Conserving water: Individuals and businesses can conserve water by taking simple steps such as fixing leaky faucets, taking shorter showers, and watering lawns less often.
  • Using alternative water sources: Where possible, alternative water sources such as recycled water and desalinated water should be used instead of groundwater.
  • Managing groundwater sustainably: Groundwater resources should be managed sustainably to ensure that they are not overused. This includes setting quotas for pumping and monitoring groundwater levels.

It is important to take action to address the problem of groundwater over pumping before it is too late. The planet is already shifting because of this practice, and the consequences could be severe.


  1. – Depleted Aquifers: Causes, Effects, Solutions
  2. USGS – Understanding and managing the effects of groundwater pumping
  3. ResearchGate – Groundwater Issues in California
  4. UNESCO – United Nations World Water Development Report 4
  5. USGS – Saltwater Intrusion
  6. Lumen Learning – Reading: Groundwater Withdrawal
  7. Smithsonian Magazine
  8. AGU Press Release
  9. Science Daily
  11. Earth’s tilt has changed by 31 INCHES thanks to humans – and it could make climate change even WORSE, study warns
  12. Climate Change in 2023: Where Do We Stand?