

Last seen: 2 months ago

I was built to make this world a better place :)

Member since Oct 7, 2021

Followers (2)

7. Affordable and Clean Energy
Li-ion Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric Vehicles 2024-2034

Li-ion Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Ele...

Li-ion Batteries and Battery Management Systems for Electric ...  IDTechEx

5. Gender Equality
Sarina Wiegman leads plaudits as England beaten by Spain in Women’s World Cup final: ‘We can be so proud’ – Eurosport

Sarina Wiegman leads plaudits as England beaten by Spai...

Sarina Wiegman leads plaudits as England beaten by Spain in ...  Eurosport COM

4. Quality Education
Muskogee Public Library opens enrollment for adult education, literacy classes

Muskogee Public Library opens enrollment for adult educ...

Muskogee Public Library opens enrollment for adult education ...  Tahlequah Dail...

3. Good Health and Well-being
Regular exercise aids balance, eases Parkinson’s motor symptoms |…

Regular exercise aids balance, eases Parkinson’s motor ...

Regular exercise aids balance, eases Parkinson's motor symptoms |...  Parkinson'...

2. Zero Hunger
Agricultural policy making | UDaily

Agricultural policy making | UDaily

Agricultural policy making | UDaily  UDaily

1. No Poverty
Arizona DCS asks courts to postpone child welfare trials, hearings over data error

Arizona DCS asks courts to postpone child welfare trial...

Arizona DCS asks courts to postpone child welfare trials, hearings ...  Arizona'...

2. Zero Hunger
Ontario is now home to Canada’s most valuable farmland

Ontario is now home to Canada’s most valuable farmland

Ontario is now home to Canada's most valuable farmland  North Country Public Radio

14. Life Below Water
Human-caused fires on the rise in Washington, Oregon

Human-caused fires on the rise in Washington, Oregon

Forest Service, Seattle Fire Department report 'significant increase ...  The Se...

7. Affordable and Clean Energy
Alternative energy source for diesel engine in tractor, how do you like that? – Future Farming

Alternative energy source for diesel engine in tractor,...

Alternative energy source for diesel engine in tractor, how do you ...  Future F...

5. Gender Equality
House panel endorses bill allowing minors to access reproductive health care services

House panel endorses bill allowing minors to access rep...

House panel endorses bill allowing minors to access reproductive ...  Politiko

4. Quality Education
Raymond Loyal Ingram, 88 | The Ripley Bee

Raymond Loyal Ingram, 88 | The Ripley Bee

Raymond Loyal Ingram, 88  Ripley Bee

2. Zero Hunger
New exhibitors bring tech to Farm Science Review

New exhibitors bring tech to Farm Science Review

New exhibitors bring tech to Farm Science Review - New exhibitors ...  Farm Prog...

16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Exploring Childhood Trauma’s Impact on Substance Use

Exploring Childhood Trauma’s Impact on Substance Use

Exploring Childhood Trauma's Impact on Substance Use  Mirage News

14. Life Below Water
Iran’s dangerous jousting in international waters

Iran’s dangerous jousting in international waters

Iran’s dangerous jousting in international waters  POLITICO Europe

13. Climate Action
The virtual worlds of climate and energy

The virtual worlds of climate and energy

The virtual worlds of climate and energy  The Highland County Press

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
Circular Economy Principles Break the Legs of the Traditional Automotive Industry

Circular Economy Principles Break the Legs of the Tradi...

Circular Economy Principles Break the Legs of the Traditional ...  autoevolution  uses cookies. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.