Creation, Creativity, Innovation, Humility
We don't know where or how we came into being, yet we still insist on a culture of dominance and control among ourselves and with our environment. We continue to evolve based on an economic system that emerged during the industrial revolution. Our context of innovation still privileges effectiveness based on the addition of economic value. Essentially, we lack humility in our short human journey in a universe of 14 billion years. Our view is anthropocentric. And the acceleration of digital transformation has taken away our calm to reflect, meditate, and philosophize. How about observing a bit of Creation to understand how far we are from this single approach to singularity, without a clearly defined change agent, to think there for a moment and humble ourselves, acquiring a truly global consciousness? This article seeks to bring some reflection on our place under the sun and our ability to generate a new consciousness, which truly establishes a new culture of innovation.

I was invited to give a lecture at a major company about the culture of innovation. I have always been concerned about the still-present inclination of some companies and schools to adopt a conceptual bias that links the effectiveness of innovation to the generation of economic value. In my view, this limits a sustainable approach and therefore our capacity for innovation. I noticed then that many of the frameworks I researched on innovative events in history point to the beginning of the industrial revolution or about 100, 200 years before that. A perspective, therefore, that is anthropocentric. It couldn't be any different since we are the dominant intelligent species, and everything is under our specific conception of reality. And there is no other, at least until the dolphins speak or some E.T. indeed contacts us.
To support discussions about Artificial Intelligence, I have read a lot about how our mind works (1) and what it means to "be conscious" (2). And to understand a little more about how this mind came to be, I also read about the unraveling of the human genome (3), that is, our basic programming and data transmission code to perpetuate ourselves as a species in continuous evolution. To not make things too crazy, I looked for facts about the actual foundation of anthropocentrism (4). On the other hand, I also touched on a bit of relativity and unpredictability in our Universe and perhaps others parallel to it (5). Nothing too deep, detailed, or with academic/scientific rigor. Just to present an approach that mixes the simple with the complex, the certain with the uncertain, and mainly tries to place us, humans, in our space within the entire context of rapid change we are undergoing, with great opportunities, but also with high risk.
And then I went back to the Creation. Of the Universe, of Earth. And then I created a timeline of all this, which unfortunately is long enough that its figure cannot be presented here, as it occupies 3 slides. This timeline and the conclusion are written below. To my masters, I apologize, for again, this is not an academic paper but just an essay for reflection on innovation and our future. Also, the dates may be wrong, given the long chronological path traveled in a cycle of 14 billion years.
Period of Creation
It starts with the Big Bang 14 billion years ago and goes up to about 130,000 years ago with the emergence of our species. Before the Big Bang, scientifically, nothing is known.
14 Billion years ago - Big Bang - This event allowed the formation of Hydrogen, Deuterium, and Helium atoms. And through the "created" process of nuclear fusion, stars were formed, which later allowed Carbon and Oxygen to join the new team of the periodic table.
5 Billion years ago - Sun - It initially brought us gravity and also a bunch of gigantic matter blocks attracted to it, which would later be called planets.
4.5 Billion years ago - Earth - This is the basis of the infrastructure for the construction of our home.
4.0 Billion years ago - Atmosphere - Brings the potential for the emergence of biological life.
3.85 Billion years ago - Bacteria - These are the Archaebacteria. It is not known for certain where they came from or how they were "created". Possibly having DNA and/or RNA in their pilot version, allowing for a horizontal and agile gene transfer. The self-reproduction potential and unlimited evolution emerge, initially proposed by Darwin and later confirmed by DNA study in various species. The first sign of singularity in some future events.
550 million years ago - Cambrian Period - With the formation of abundant water, there's an explosion of life on earth (plants and aquatic life).
230 million years ago - Dinosaurs and large reptiles, fish - The first dominant species on the planet emerges.
65 million years ago - Extinction of Dinosaurs - Initially started by the fall of a giant meteorite where Mexico is today. This opened up the possibility for the development of other species on Earth. The main one was called mammals.
130,000 years ago - First hominids - The second and definitive (until now) dominant species on the planet emerges. With a brain containing scalable (modular) intelligence and evolutionary/self-programmable (billions of possible integrations) intelligence. Consciousness evolves with this.
Period of Creativity
Creativity is a human attribute. There is a clear authorship. It begins with our emergence as an intelligent species, showing the first signs of our dominance, and goes up to about 200 years ago with the establishment of the foundations for the industrial revolution and the current economic system.
10,000 years ago - Earth Cultivation - Initial organization perceived to produce food on a large scale (cultivation, growth, and harvest).
9,000 years ago - Domestic Animal Breeding - A growing scale is established for food, and a new possibility opens up: motor energy with applications in other areas, such as transportation.
5,000 years ago - Sea Navigation - Sailing ships use wind power to make the oceans navigable.
2,000 years ago - Wind and Water - Wind and water are used to provide energy (Mills).
1,000 years ago - Coal - New energy source emerges.
300 years ago - Industrial Age - Steam engines open a range of applications and start the industrial revolution.
Period of Innovation
About 200 years ago - Oil emerges as a significant energy source, and after that, in the timeline, all advances such as electricity, hydraulic energy, and others that create the necessary condition for the emergence of many things such as Ammonia, Plastic, Steel, Concrete, etc. leading to the present day. The technological advancement makes the product/service lifecycle shorter, and this creates a trend that marks the occurrence of events in our chronology:
73 years ago - Transistor - The age of Electronics begins.
53 years ago - Microprocessor - The age of Computers begins.
43 years ago - Silicon Age - Significant acceleration of innovations with the emergence of Nanotechnology, Smartphone, Social Media.
33 years ago - Age of Sustainability - Begin the worldwide discussions about the imbalances of the climate and social non-inclusive models. New pillars of innovation emerge: Economic, Social, and Environmental.
Between our emergence and the Big Bang, there are almost 14 billion years. Meaning, in the timeline of the universe, we are minuscule. Today, we advocate for simplicity in solutions for our complex project environments. The universe is incredibly simple at its origin. And if we could observe its inception with the fullness of our "supreme" intelligence, we would undoubtedly conclude that we could not have started from just 4 or 5 elements of the periodic table and "constructed" man.
From all that has been studied, given the events of Creation, the existence of man would be highly improbable. And even now, we remain unique in this Universe. "Who" and/or "How" are questions of man. So then, by whom or how were the Universe and Earth designed and implemented? The sequence of events leading to our DNA, our genes, our intelligence, and our consciousness is overwhelmingly magnificent and improbable, greatly surpassing all our Creativity. Earth is a speck in the Universe. There is a delicate balance here to reduce Entropy and keep all its essential elements integrated; maintaining our biosphere functioning is simply astonishing. This balance narrowly prevents us from becoming extinct. Within this equilibrium, the law of action and reaction operates, without anything supernatural; what we sow, be it good or bad, we shall reap, for better or worse. Man sees himself as the center of the Universe, yet barely manages to look after our tiny planet, and everything we've innovated so far pales in comparison to Creation.
We continue to exhaust resources (notably water and food), upset the natural balance, fight, wage wars, starve others, lie, all because we see ourselves as superior to one another and, primarily, vie for continuous control over the Earth and its resources.
All of this occurs because we still operate mainly on an economic context, while the rest remains largely as mere rhetoric and the effort of a minority.
If we don't genuinely start thinking differently, emphasizing the value of social and environmental innovations over purely economic ones and sincerely finding ways to integrate with Earth and the Universe, we will indeed alter the foundation of Creation. Soon, the future of our grandchildren, regardless of whether we're privileged or not (wealthy), will be impacted.
We are in a transitional period, with an unprecedented acceleration of transformations. This rapid pace may prevent us from slowing down in the face of obstacles or from recognizing the higher-impact risks these changes bring.
What we need is to not let our old ego, our ancient brain take over. We need to think more, calmly, and meditate.
We must develop a global consciousness that allows us to view ourselves, the Earth, and the Universe in a simple, integrated manner. We must work together to gain the necessary empathy between ourselves and other species of Creation, understanding each other despite all our diversity. We don't even know where or how we came from, nor do we know what we will become.
The truth is, we're newcomers to the Universe and Earth. My grandfather used to say, "Young ducks don't dive deep." We've already dived too deep.
So, above all, let's embrace Humility!
Supporting Bibliography
(1) - Hawkins, Jeff – A Thousand Brains – 2022
(2) - Seth, Anil – Being You, a new science of consciousness – 2021
(3) Collins, S. Francis – The Language of God – 2007
(4) Smith, Vaclav – How the World Really Works – 2022
(5) Hawkin, Stephen - Mlodinow, Leonard - A New History of Time - 2005