

Last seen: 10 months ago

Member since Apr 24, 2024 scassil@mines.edu

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2. Zero Hunger
The movement to end hunger

The movement to end hunger

Article about a joint initiative to combat hunger in the US.

1. No Poverty
SDG development in India

SDG development in India

This articles discusses a new initiative that the Rockefeller Philanthropy organ...

3. Good Health and Well-being
United Kingdom global health efforts

United Kingdom global health efforts

This article talks about the UK's commitment to boosting global health efforts.

10. Reduced Inequality
Pandemic and Inequality

Pandemic and Inequality

This article talks a bit about how the US's response to the pandemic impacted in...

13. Climate Action
Reducing NY Carbon Footprint

Reducing NY Carbon Footprint

This article talks about a program, founded by the governor, aimed at reducing t...

13. Climate Action
Mayors addressing Climate change

Mayors addressing Climate change

This summary talks about the monetary commitment from Bloomberg Philanthropies t...

7. Affordable and Clean Energy
California Clean Energy Grid

California Clean Energy Grid

This article talks about some recent results of the investments in California to...

6. Clean Water and Sanitation
Pittsburgh Water Developments

Pittsburgh Water Developments

This article talks about Pittsburgh's initiative to provide clean drinking water...

5. Gender Equality
Gender Equality in South Africa

Gender Equality in South Africa

This article talks about the efforts of the South African government to bridge t...

2. Zero Hunger
The movement to end hunger

The movement to end hunger

Article about a joint initiative to combat hunger in the US.

10. Reduced Inequality
Fighting Poverty

Fighting Poverty

Current progress/update about financial aid programs helping Kenyans.

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