The Tzu Chi School of Jakarta’s #SaveTheEarthNow Climate Action Project

Tzu Chi School of Jakarta’s #SaveTheEarthNow Climate Action Project is a creative and engaging way for students to learn about the causes and effects of climate change. Students use their artistic skills to create drawings, poems, and other works of art that depict the impact of climate change on their community and the world.

Cause and Effect of Climate Change
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1. Cause and Effect of Climate Change

The Tzu Chi School of Jakarta’s #SaveTheEarthNow Climate Action Project is a creative and engaging way for students to learn about the causes and effects of climate change. Students use their artistic skills to create drawings, poems, and other works of art that depict the impact of climate change on their community and the world.

The project is a valuable opportunity for students to raise awareness about climate change and to inspire others to take action. It also helps students to develop critical thinking skills and to learn about the importance of environmental stewardship. The following are the identified simple solutions we can contribute.

How to Combat Climate Change in Our Homes and Schools

Climate change is a global problem, but there are many things that we can do to combat it in our own communities and homes. Here are a few ideas:

  • Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. This can be done by driving less, using public transportation, and switching to renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.
  • Improve energy efficiency in our homes and schools. This can be done by making simple changes like turning off lights when we leave a room and unplugging electronics when we’re not using them.
  • Conserve water. We can do this by taking shorter showers, fixing leaky faucets, and watering our lawns less often.
  • Eat less meat. Meat production is a major contributor to climate change. We can reduce our impact by eating more plant-based foods.
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle. We can help to reduce waste and conserve resources by reducing the amount of stuff we buy, reusing items whenever possible, and recycling everything that we can.

    The #SaveTheEarthNow Climate Action Project is a great example of how students can use their creativity and ingenuity to make a difference in the fight against climate change. By educating and inspiring others, students can play a vital role in building a more sustainable future.