Jillian Buck

Jillian Buck

Last seen: 11 months ago

Member since Apr 29, 2024 jillianbuck1415@gmail.com

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13. Climate Action
The current status of the sustainable development goals in the world

The current status of the sustainable development goals...

Sustainable development goals incorporate multiple dimensions to measure the pro...

13. Climate Action
World well short of pace needed to meet UN’s 2030 sustainable development goals

World well short of pace needed to meet UN’s 2030 susta...

We are struggling to meet the SDGs defined years ago; at the mid-way mark of the...

13. Climate Action
To Thrive Amid Climate Change, We Must Turn to Agriculture for Solutions

To Thrive Amid Climate Change, We Must Turn to Agricult...

Climate change hit the planet hard in 2023, and we haven't made much progress in...

15. Life on Land
Rachel Carson’s Legacy: A Call to Embrace Nature-based Solutions

Rachel Carson’s Legacy: A Call to Embrace Nature-based ...

A look at other solutions to the problems identified in, 'Silent Spring.' The wr...

13. Climate Action
Focus on Innovation Can Provide Needed New Approaches in Forestry

Focus on Innovation Can Provide Needed New Approaches i...

UN forum on forests will be meeting again to stress the importance and find more...

12. Responsible Consumption and Production
American Beverage

American Beverage

American Beverage and their mission to recycle plastics.

17. Partnerships for the Goals
Sustainable Development goals

Sustainable Development goals

Brief explanation of the 17 goals the UN defined in 2015.

12. Responsible Consumption and Production
To eliminate waste we need to rediscover thrift

To eliminate waste we need to rediscover thrift

Process need to be redesigned to consider disassembly to reuse materials.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
Ink made of Air Pollution

Ink made of Air Pollution

Pollution from any sort of transportation, namely cars, can be captured and turn...

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