Harris faces misogyny, racism in bid for White House

Harris faces misogyny, racism in bid for White House  Voice of America - VOA News

Harris faces misogyny, racism in bid for White House

Critics of Vice President Kamala Harris Attack Her Gender and Race

Gender scholars have highlighted the criticism faced by Vice President Kamala Harris, who has been targeted by critics using her gender and race as weapons against her ability to hold the most powerful job in the free world. This report from the White House by VOA’s Anita Powell sheds light on the issue.


Vice President Kamala Harris has faced significant criticism since taking office, with her opponents using her gender and race to question her suitability for the role. This report examines the impact of these attacks and the underlying prejudices they reveal.

The Role of Gender

Many critics argue that a woman is incapable of holding the most powerful position in the free world. This gender bias undermines the progress made towards achieving gender equality, which is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations.

The Influence of Race

Furthermore, Harris has also been targeted due to her race, with critics using racial stereotypes to undermine her credibility. This racial bias not only perpetuates discrimination but also hinders efforts to promote racial equality, another key SDG.

Impact on Sustainable Development Goals

The attacks on Harris based on her gender and race highlight the challenges faced in achieving the SDGs. Gender equality (SDG 5) and racial equality (SDG 10) are fundamental components of sustainable development, and any discrimination based on these factors hinders progress towards a more inclusive and equal society.


The criticism faced by Vice President Kamala Harris based on her gender and race is not only unfair but also detrimental to the global efforts towards achieving the SDGs. It is crucial to address and challenge these prejudices to create a more equitable world for all.

Source: voanews.com