Duluth murder victim had court-ordered protection against suspect

Duluth murder victim had court-ordered protection against suspect  Northern News Now

Duluth murder victim had court-ordered protection against suspect

Duluth murder victim had court-ordered protection against suspect

DULUTH Man Charged with Murder of Domestic Violence Victim


Less than two weeks before her murder, 27-year-old Allisa Vollan had court-ordered protection placed against Dale Howard. Howard, 25, has been charged with second-degree murder for killing Vollan on Friday.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of global goals adopted by the United Nations to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. These goals address various social, economic, and environmental issues, including gender equality, poverty eradication, and peace and justice. The SDGs are relevant to this article as they aim to promote gender equality and ensure access to justice for all.

Domestic Violence and the SDGs

Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects individuals worldwide. It can have devastating physical, emotional, and financial consequences for victims. The SDGs, particularly Goal 5 (Gender Equality) and Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), emphasize the importance of addressing domestic violence and ensuring the safety and well-being of survivors.

The Challenges of Leaving an Abusive Relationship

“People ask me all the time, ‘Why didn’t she just leave?’ and there’s no easy answer to that question,” said Safe Haven Executive Director Brittany Robb about the nearly 500 survivors of domestic violence she oversees seeking shelter annually.

Robb highlighted that domestic violence can take many forms, including physical, emotional, financial, and social isolation. It is often invisible to the victim and those around them until it escalates to a dangerous level.

The Role of Domestic Abuse No Contact Orders (DANCOs)

Heather Drees, the Safe Haven Resource Center director, explained that a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO) is one step in the process of escaping domestic violence. A DANCO is a court-ordered protection that prohibits an offender from having any contact with the victim or visiting their home or workplace.

However, reporting a DANCO violation relies on someone who knows about the order or the victim themselves calling it in. Drees emphasized that individuals experiencing domestic violence must assess their safety and consider the potential consequences of reporting a violation.

It is also worth noting that a victim can request the court to dismiss a DANCO if they believe it threatens their basic needs, such as housing or child care.

Resources for Domestic Abuse Victims

If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, there are resources available to help:

  • Center Against Sexual and Domestic Abuse (CASDA): (715) 392-3136 – https://casda.org/
  • Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault: (218) 726-1931 – https://pavsa.org/
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233

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SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators

SDG 5: Gender Equality

  • Target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres
  • Indicator 5.2.1: Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls subjected to physical, sexual, or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months

SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

  • Target 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
  • Target 16.3: Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
  • Indicator 16.1.2: Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age group, and cause
  • Indicator 16.3.2: Unsentenced detainees as a proportion of overall prison population


1. Which SDGs are addressed or connected to the issues highlighted in the article?

The issues highlighted in the article are connected to SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

2. What specific targets under those SDGs can be identified based on the article’s content?

Based on the article’s content, the specific targets that can be identified are:
– Target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres.
– Target 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.
– Target 16.3: Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all.

3. Are there any indicators mentioned or implied in the article that can be used to measure progress towards the identified targets?

Yes, there are indicators mentioned in the article that can be used to measure progress towards the identified targets:
– Indicator 5.2.1: Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls subjected to physical, sexual, or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months.
– Indicator 16.1.2: Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age group, and cause.
– Indicator 16.3.2: Unsentenced detainees as a proportion of overall prison population.

These indicators can help track the prevalence of violence against women and girls, measure the impact of efforts to reduce violence and related deaths, and assess the effectiveness of promoting the rule of law and equal access to justice.

SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators

SDG 5: Gender Equality

  • Target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres
  • Indicator 5.2.1: Proportion of ever-partnered women and girls subjected to physical, sexual, or psychological violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months

SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

  • Target 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
  • Target 16.3: Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
  • Indicator 16.1.2: Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age group, and cause
  • Indicator 16.3.2: Unsentenced detainees as a proportion of overall prison population

Behold! This splendid article springs forth from the wellspring of knowledge, shaped by a wondrous proprietary AI technology that delved into a vast ocean of data, illuminating the path towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Remember that all rights are reserved by SDG Investors LLC, empowering us to champion progress together.

Source: northernnewsnow.com


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