“Free from Homosexuality” or “Free from Same-Sex Attraction” – Alternate “Conversion Therapy” Phrases | GLAAD

“Free from Homosexuality” or “Free from Same-Sex Attraction” – Alternate “Conversion Therapy” Phrases  GLAAD

“Free from Homosexuality” or “Free from Same-Sex Attraction” – Alternate “Conversion Therapy” Phrases | GLAAD


This is just one example of anti-LGBTQ online hate and disinformation.

This is just one example of anti-LGBTQ online hate and disinformation. Every term and concept should be evaluated in context. For instance, LGBTQ people and allies may use hashtags with hate terms as counterspeech, or slurs such as “tranny” or “dyke” may be used self-referentially to reclaim them. This guide will be updated on an ongoing basis. Please see the latest

GLAAD Social Media Safety Index

report for a deeper exploration of the current social media landscape for LGBTQ people, including GLAAD’s recommendations and thought leadership in the field.

How to Report Anti-LGBTQ Online Hate Speech and Harassment

Every major social media platform has policies which prohibit hate and harassment on the basis of protected characteristics, including sexual orientation and gender identity. To learn how to report potentially violative content, check out GLAAD’s

LGBTQ Digital Safety Guide

, which includes basic tips on helping our community be more safe online.

About the GLAAD Social Media Safety Program

As the leading national LGBTQ media advocacy organization GLAAD is working every day to hold tech companies and social media platforms accountable, and to secure safe online spaces for LGBTQ people. The GLAAD

Social Media Safety (SMS)

program researches, monitors, and reports on a variety of issues facing LGBTQ social media users — with a focus on safety, privacy, and expression. The SMS program has consulted directly with platforms and tech companies on some of the most significant LGBTQ policy and product developments over the years. In addition to ongoing advocacy work with platforms (including TikTok, X/Twitter, YouTube, and Meta’s Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and others), and issuing the highly-respected annual

Social Media Safety Index (SMSI)

report, the SMS program produces
and actively works to educate the general public and raise awareness in the media about
LGBTQ social media safety issues,
especially anti-LGBTQ hate and disinformation.

SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities 10.3: Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome Not mentioned or implied in the article
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions 16.3: Promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice Not mentioned or implied in the article
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals 17.17: Encourage and promote effective public, public-private, and civil society partnerships Not mentioned or implied in the article

Source: glaad.org