AIIB Forwards Construction of Strategic Bridge in Tajikistan – The Times Of Central Asia

AIIB Forwards Construction of Strategic Bridge in Tajikistan  Times of Central Asia

AIIB Forwards Construction of Strategic Bridge in Tajikistan – The Times Of Central Asia

AIIB Forwards Construction of Strategic Bridge in Tajikistan - The Times Of Central Asia

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) Loan Approval for Bridge Construction in Tajikistan

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has approved a loan equivalent to US $75.5 million to Tajikistan for the construction of a 920-meter-long bridge and approach routes on the Obigarm-Nurobod section of M41 International Highway.

Significance of the Bridge

  • The bridge is the first of such magnitude in Tajikistan and a critical component of the county’s road network.
  • It links Corridors 2, 3, and 5 of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program, providing essential connections between Tajikistan’s landlocked terrain and neighboring regional markets.
  • Designed to withstand all weathers, it will connect over 350,000 residents of the northeast region of Tajikistan to the capital Dushanbe and the border of Kyrgyzstan.

Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals

To align with Tajikistan’s National Development Strategy, the government has prioritized the timely completion of the project. The construction has been divided into three phases to ensure synchronized implementation.

Illustrative of a collaborative approach to advancing sustainable development and enhancing connectivity in Tajikistan, AIIB has fostered close coordination with other financiers, including the Asian Development Bank, OPEC Fund for International Development, and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

AIIB’s Vice President’s Comments

Lauding the initiative, Konstantin Limitovskiy, AIIB’s Vice President for Investment Operations in Region 2, commented: “The project aligns with two core thematic priorities of AIIB. First, it contributes to cross-border connectivity by establishing vital cross-border links with improved road safety along Tajikistan’s essential corridor and ensuring connectivity between regions. Secondly, it embraces green-finance principles by integrating environmentally and socially responsible practices and promoting resilient sustainable mechanisms in the road infrastructure development.”

## Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Addressed in the Article

### 1. SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

– The article discusses the construction of a bridge on the M41 International Highway in Tajikistan, which falls under the category of infrastructure development.

### 2. SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

– The construction of the bridge aims to improve connectivity between regions in Tajikistan and enhance access to markets, which aligns with the goal of creating sustainable cities and communities.

## Specific Targets and Indicators

### SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

– **Target 9.1:** Develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure.
– **Indicator:** The construction of a 920-meter-long bridge on the Obigarm-Nurobod section of M41 International Highway in Tajikistan.

### SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

– **Target 11.2:** Provide access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all.
– **Indicator:** Improved connectivity between regions in Tajikistan through the construction of the bridge.

## Table of Findings

| SDGs | Targets | Indicators |
| SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure | Target 9.1: Develop quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient infrastructure | Construction of a 920-meter-long bridge on the Obigarm-Nurobod section of M41 International Highway in Tajikistan |
| SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities | Target 11.2: Provide access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all | Improved connectivity between regions in Tajikistan through the construction of the bridge |

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