COP16: Tracking country pledges on tackling biodiversity loss – Carbon Brief

COP16: Tracking country pledges on tackling biodiversity loss  Carbon Brief

COP16: Tracking country pledges on tackling biodiversity loss – Carbon Brief

COP16: Tracking country pledges on tackling biodiversity loss - Carbon Brief

What are NBSAPs and why are they important for global action on nature loss?

NBSAPs are blueprints for how individual countries plan to tackle biodiversity loss within their borders, as well as ensure they meet the international targets outlined in the GBF.

Each country that is party to the UN’s Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is expected – but not legally required – to submit NBSAPs.

There are 196 parties to the CBD including the EU. This includes every country of the world except the US and the Holy See, the governing body of the Vatican. (Republican lawmakers have blocked the US from joining the CBD, citing concerns over “American sovereignty” and “financial burdens”.)

Under the GBF, countries agreed to submit updated NBSAPs ahead of COP16, which is scheduled for 21 October to 1 November 2024 in Colombia.

NBSAPs are similar to nationally determined contributions (NDCs), plans that outline how individual countries envisage meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. However, a key difference is that countries are legally obliged to submit NDCs, but not NBSAPs.

(The Paris Agreement is an international treaty agreed in 2015 aimed at keeping global temperatures well below 2C, with an ambition of limiting them to 1.5C, by the end of the century.)

The GBF contains a set of four goals and 23 targets, which collectively aim to reverse the rapid decline of biodiversity by 2030 and “restore harmony with nature” by 2050.

What are some key takeaways from the updated NBSAPs?

Reversing biodiversity loss

Examining NBSAPs can offer clues into how countries are responding to the targets set out in the GBF – and their views on traditionally contentious issues such as biodiversity finance, Indigenous rights and the sharing of genetic resources.

The headline “mission” of the GBF is to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030.

While many people associate “biodiversity” with iconic species and tropical rainforests, the term actually covers the whole spectrum of Earth’s biological diversity, ranging from the organisation of genes within organisms to the communities of animals and plants that make up ecosystems.

Last year, a group of biologists explained to Carbon Brief that halting and reversing all biodiversity loss by 2030 would be a “huge challenge”, with one expert saying they were “highly doubtful” it was scientifically possible.

Out of the small group of countries that had released updated NBSAPs at the time of publication, the vast majority did not mention halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030 in their plans.

The EU and some of its member states, such as Ireland and Luxembourg, did make a reference to halting and reversing the loss of pollinators, a target set out in the EU biodiversity strategy.

France’s plan says that it will aim to reverse the decline of “threatened flagship species, especially endemic species in overseas territories”.

All of these references are a far cry from reversing the loss of all biodiversity.

The only country to explicitly mention this target in its NBSAP was China, the host nation for COP15.

Invasive species and pesticides

There are some areas of convergence among the very small number of countries that have released updated NBSAPs.

Target 6 of the GBF is to “mitigate or eliminate the impacts of invasive alien species” and to “reduce the rates of establishment of invasive species by 50% by 2030”.

The EU, China and Japan all mention targets to reduce the impact of invasive species.

However, there are differences in what the targets aim to achieve. For example, EU nations are targeting a 50% reduction in the number of Red List species threatened by invasive alien species, whereas China and Japan are targeting a 50% reduction in the rate of invasive species establishment.

Target 7 of the GBF is to “reduce the overall risk from pesticides by half”. (It is worth noting that some parties wanted a more ambitious target to reduce the use – rather than the risk – of pesticides by half.)

In its NBSAP, the EU references a target whereby “the risk and use of chemical pesticides is reduced by 50% and the use of more hazardous pesticides is reduced by 50%”.

This wording is repeated in the NBSAPs of many of its member states – so far, Ireland, France, Luxembourg and Spain.

By contrast, Japan references a need for a “reduction in risk-weighted use of chemical pesticides”, while China commits to “reduce” pesticides and to “gradually phase out highly toxic and high-risk pesticides”.

Biodiversity finance

When it comes to the topic of developed nations providing more finance to help developing nations protect biodiversity – one of the most contentious issues at COP15 – there is little consistency among NBSAPs.

Japan makes the clearest pledge when it comes to supporting developing nations, with a target that says the country will aim to ensure “financial resources for the conservation of biodiversity are secured to improve biodiversity global finance gap”.

Japan will also aim to ensure that “capacity-building…in developing countries by Japan’s support are further implemented”.

Ireland also mentions a target to “strengthen the inclusion of biodiversity in international diplomacy and financing”.

In addition, Japan makes reference to target 18 of the GBF, which is to “phase out or reform harmful subsidies in a just way, reducing them by $500bn by 2030”. (“Harmful subsidies” refer to those that prop up industries known to harm nature, such as large-scale meat farming and fossil-fuel extraction.)

Japan says it will “consider” the “identification and reforms of subsidies harmful for biodiversity”.

Spain has a more clear target for subsidy reform, stating:

“By 2025, 50% of identified harmful subsidies will be reformed, redirected or eliminated and ensure that by 2030 all subsidies or incentives are neutral or positive for natural heritage and biodiversity and adequately incorporate environmental externalities.”

SDGs, Targets, and Indicators Identified in the Article

1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Addressed or Connected to the Issues Highlighted in the Article:

  • SDG 14: Life Below Water – Ensure conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas, and marine resources.
  • SDG 15: Life on Land – Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

2. Specific Targets Under Those SDGs Based on the Article’s Content:

  • Target 3: Effective conservation and management of 30% of land and 30% of oceans by 2030.
  • Target 6: Mitigate or eliminate the impacts of invasive alien species, reduce the rates of establishment of invasive species by 50% by 2030.
  • Target 7: Reduce pollution risks and impacts from all sources by 2030, reduce the overall risk from pesticides by half.
  • Target 18: Phase out or reform harmful subsidies in a just way, reducing them by $500bn by 2030.

3. Indicators Mentioned or Implied in the Article to Measure Progress Towards the Identified Targets:

  • Indicator for Target 3: Percentage of land and oceans effectively conserved and managed.
  • Indicator for Target 6: Rate of establishment of invasive species.
  • Indicator for Target 7: Reduction in the risk and use of chemical pesticides.
  • Indicator for Target 18: Reduction in the amount of harmful subsidies and their impact on biodiversity.

Table: SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 14: Life Below Water Target 3: Effective conservation and management of 30% of land and 30% of oceans by 2030. Percentage of land and oceans effectively conserved and managed.
SDG 15: Life on Land Target 6: Mitigate or eliminate the impacts of invasive alien species, reduce the rates of establishment of invasive species by 50% by 2030. Rate of establishment of invasive species.
SDG 15: Life on Land Target 7: Reduce pollution risks and impacts from all sources by 2030, reduce the overall risk from pesticides by half. Reduction in the risk and use of chemical pesticides.
SDG 15: Life on Land Target 18: Phase out or reform harmful subsidies in a just way, reducing them by $500bn by 2030. Reduction in the amount of harmful subsidies and their impact on biodiversity.

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