Lenovo’s Tech Donation Propels Equal Access

CSRWire - Lenovo's Tech Donation Propels Equal Access for Visually Impaired in North Carolina  CSRwire.com

Lenovo’s Tech Donation Propels Equal Access

Lenovo’s Tech Donation Propels Equal Access

Lenovo Donates Laptops to North Carolina School for the Blind

Published 19 hours ago

Submitted by Lenovo

In December 2023, Lenovo initiated the holiday season by donating brand-new personal laptop computers to every student at the North Carolina Governor Morehead School for the Blind. This donation aims to promote remote learning and communication, extending educational opportunities beyond the classroom.

This partnership between Lenovo and the Governor Morehead School showcases the transformative power of technology in fostering inclusivity and accessibility in education. It goes beyond business, symbolizing a joint commitment to leveraging innovation for the betterment of differently-abled individuals.

In 2021, Lenovo’s Product Diversity Office and the Governor Morehead School collaborated to offer project-based learning opportunities and visits to Lenovo’s headquarters in Morrisville, N.C. This collaboration allows students to gain access and insight into the tech industry while providing Lenovo with valuable feedback on how to make future products more accessible and inclusive.

In February 2024, students from the Governor Morehead School visited the Morrisville campus again, where they had a hands-on opportunity to test products designed to make Lenovo’s current offerings more accessible to those with visual impairments. This inclusive approach aims to include individuals with disabilities in the development process and incorporates their feedback into future product designs.

During their visit, the students also had the chance to meet Lenovo mentors from diverse backgrounds, providing them with first-hand exposure to professionals in the field.

The partnership between Lenovo and the Governor Morehead School is rooted in the belief that technology can break barriers and offer equal opportunities. Lenovo not only strives for cutting-edge products but also prioritizes inclusivity. They believe that technology can serve as a bridge to access education, jobs, entertainment, and more. The collaboration focuses on developing specialized tools and software designed with educators and specialists to meet the unique needs of visually impaired students. These innovations, from specialty software to tactile interfaces, empower students to effectively engage with digital content.

Lenovo’s Product Diversity Office is committed to finding ways to make technology accessible for all individuals. This includes physical attributes such as tactile changes to assist those with vision impairments and assistive sound devices for those with hearing impairments. Through their partnership with the Governor Morehead School, Lenovo is not only providing technology but also shaping a more inclusive future where every student, regardless of ability, can harness the power of innovation.

Lenovo Technologies Built with Diversity in Mind

  • ThinkPad Keyboard changes to improve accessibility include tactile markings on insert, function, volume, and enter keys.
  • Lenovo’s sign language translation solution that uses computer vision and AI to interpret Brazilian sign language in real-time.
  • Lenovo Voice, which offers real-time translation assistance, subtitle assistance, voice input, and voice assistant capabilities on Lenovo X1 Folds.
  • 321 Coffee’s tech-enabled Roasting Facility, outfitted with Lenovo technology that allows the differently abled to safely and effectively work in the roasting facility.

The work of Lenovo’s Product Diversity Office highlights technology’s potential to create a more equitable world. It inspires purpose-driven collaborations between corporations and educational institutions for meaningful societal advancement.

About Lenovo

Lenovo is a US$62 billion revenue global technology powerhouse, ranked #217 in the Fortune Global 500. With 77,000 employees worldwide, Lenovo serves millions of customers every day in 180 markets. Their vision is to deliver Smarter Technology for All, expanding into growth areas that fuel the advancement of ‘New IT’ technologies. This includes server, storage, mobile, software, solutions, and services. Lenovo’s transformation, combined with their world-changing innovation, is building a more inclusive, trustworthy, and smarter future for everyone, everywhere. Lenovo is listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange under Lenovo Group Limited (HKSE: 992)(ADR: LNVGY). For more information, visit https://www.lenovo.com and read about the latest news via their StoryHub.

SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 4: Quality Education 4.1 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes – Distribution of brand-new personal laptop computers to every student at the North Carolina Governor Morehead School for the Blind
– Promotion of remote learning and communication
– Extension of educational opportunities beyond the classroom
SDG 4: Quality Education 4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities – Collaboration between Lenovo and the Governor Morehead School to offer project-based learning opportunities and visits to Lenovo’s headquarters
– Designing products to make them more accessible to those with visual impairments
SDG 4: Quality Education 4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all – Development of specialized tools and software designed with educators and specialists to meet visually impaired students’ unique needs
– Innovation of technologies like tactile changes and assistive sound devices for accessibility
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities 10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status – Collaboration between Lenovo and the Governor Morehead School to promote inclusivity and accessibility in education
– Providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities to engage with technology

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Fuente: csrwire.com


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