New York Republicans push for wind, solar fuel alternatives

New York Republicans push for wind, solar fuel alternatives  The Center Square

New York Republicans push for wind, solar fuel alternatives

New York Republicans push for wind, solar fuel alternatives

New York Republicans Call for Diversification of Clean Energy Mix to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals


New York Republicans are urging the state to tap into renewable natural gas, green hydrogen, and other alternative fuel sources as part of long-term plans to wean the state off fossil-burning energy sources. In a letter to members of the New York State Public Service Commission, the Senate’s GOP minority argues that the Climate Leadership and Community Preservation Act (CLCPA), a state law that requires New York to reduce emissions from the electric grid to net zero by 2040, means the state needs to diversify its clean energy mix beyond just wind and solar power.

Diversifying the Clean Energy Mix

The GOP lawmakers emphasize the importance of hydrogen, nuclear, renewable natural gas, bioenergy, and sewer heat recovery as reliable sources of energy that can complement wind and solar power. They argue that solely focusing on wind and solar energy generation would not be sufficient to meet the mandates in the CLCPA. Additionally, these alternative energy sources require less land development compared to wind and solar farms, reducing hostility between locals and energy companies and minimizing destruction of natural habitats around the state.

Power Deficiency Concerns

The lawmakers refer to data from the New York Independent System Operator, which manages the state’s electrical grid, projecting a potential power deficiency in New York City and other regions in the coming years if capacity isn’t increased. This highlights the need for diversification and expansion of clean energy sources to ensure a reliable and sustainable power supply.

National Shift to Clean Energy

The debate in New York reflects the national discussion on transitioning to clean energy. Large-scale utilities and industry groups are advocating for the pursuit of new technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Several states are incentivizing utilities to expand their reliance on renewable natural gas, while federal programs for renewable fuels provide incentives for projects converting biogas into renewable natural gas. The Renewable Fuels Standard program, established in 2007, aims to increase the use of renewable fuels and reduce dependence on imported oil.

Challenges and Advancements

Environmental groups and critics argue that alternative energy sources like renewable natural gas and green hydrogen can be more expensive to produce than traditional fossil-produced gas and less reliable than wind or solar power. They also highlight the limited availability of these sources compared to current natural gas demand and question their effectiveness in addressing climate change. However, Republicans like Ortt emphasize the need to consider advancements in renewable energy to meet climate change goals and modernize the state’s electrical grid.


New York Republicans stress the importance of diversifying the clean energy mix to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in the CLCPA. They believe that by incorporating renewable natural gas, green hydrogen, and other alternative fuel sources, the state can achieve a clean energy future while ensuring the reliability of the power grid and the health and safety of all New Yorkers.

SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 7.2: Increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix The article discusses the need to diversify New York’s clean energy mix beyond wind and solar power, suggesting the use of renewable natural gas, green hydrogen, and other alternative fuel sources.
SDG 13: Climate Action 13.2: Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning The article mentions the Climate Leadership and Community Preservation Act, a state law that requires New York to reduce emissions from the electric grid to net zero by 2040. The GOP lawmakers argue that diversifying the clean energy mix is necessary to meet this mandate.
SDG 15: Life on Land 15.5: Take urgent and significant action to reduce degradation of natural habitats The GOP lawmakers argue that alternative energy sources like renewable natural gas and sewer heat recovery require less land development compared to wind and solar farms, reducing destruction of natural habitats.

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