Prestin calls state renewable energy mandates unrealistic, costly

Prestin calls state renewable energy mandates unrealistic, costly  Escanaba Daily Press

Prestin calls state renewable energy mandates unrealistic, costly

Report on State Rep. Dave Prestin’s Concerns about Renewable Energy Mandates

State Rep. Dave Prestin Raises Concerns about Renewable Energy Mandates


State Representative Dave Prestin, a member of the House Committee on Energy, Communications and Technology, recently expressed his concerns about the proposed renewable energy mandates put forth by Lansing Democrats. In this report, we will examine his concerns and their potential impact on Upper Peninsula (U.P.) families and residents.

Unrealistic Nature of Mandates

Rep. Prestin highlighted the unrealistic nature of the mandates and their potential to burden U.P. families with steep costs. He emphasized that many residents in the U.P. are already struggling to make ends meet, especially considering the high electricity costs and unreliable grid in the region. Rep. Prestin argued that imposing plans to increase rates and transition to more unreliable energy sources would be tone-deaf to the needs and concerns of the state and his community.

Lack of Support and Transparency

Rep. Prestin pointed out that U.P. residents do not support these mandates, and there is evidence of efforts to push the agenda through by altering rules to empower unelected bureaucrats in Lansing. He emphasized the importance of transparency when discussing significant policy changes, and highlighted the need for elected officials to align their claims with the facts.

Potential for Massive Rate Increases

One of Rep. Prestin’s primary concerns is the potential for massive rate increases under the proposed renewable energy mandates. He cited a study by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, which suggests that electric bills for most Michigan families could nearly double under this plan. Rep. Prestin also highlighted the significant estimated rise in commercial and industrial rates, which would burden employers, hospitals, schools, and the overall economy.

Challenges with Renewable Energy Sources

Rep. Prestin acknowledged that while he would consider a completely renewable energy alternative if it were realistic, the truth is that it is not currently feasible. He pointed out that solar and wind energy sources are subject to fluctuations, as evidenced by recent power outages affecting over 200,000 residents due to wind-related problems. Rep. Prestin also highlighted the storage capacity required to bridge the gap in Michigan, which currently does not exist.

Unique Challenges in the U.P.

Rep. Prestin emphasized that the U.P. faces unique challenges compared to the lower peninsula, including prolonged power outages. He expressed concerns that transitioning to entirely carbon-free energy sources would lead to even more frequent blackouts in the U.P., which he deemed extremely dangerous for the community. Additionally, Rep. Prestin criticized the Democrat push to phase out gas furnaces and appliances, citing expensive conversion costs and potential disruption to U.P. families and households.

Local Land Use Decisions and Grid Reliability

Rep. Prestin argued that the state government should not be making local land use decisions, particularly in rural communities like his, where wind and solar farms may be imposed without community consent. He emphasized the importance of maintaining grid reliability and keeping energy costs low, as these are the concerns of those who elected him to serve in Lansing. Rep. Prestin concluded by stating that Michigan does not have the resources for the Democrats’ rushed plan, and called for a new, balanced approach that involves working together.


State Representative Dave Prestin’s concerns about the proposed renewable energy mandates highlight the potential burden on U.P. families and residents. The issues of unrealistic nature, lack of support and transparency, potential rate increases, challenges with renewable energy sources, unique challenges in the U.P., and the need for local involvement in land use decisions and grid reliability were all emphasized. Rep. Prestin called for a balanced approach that takes into account the needs and concerns of the state and his community.

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SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 7.1 By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services The article mentions concerns about potential rate increases under renewable energy mandates, which could make energy less affordable for U.P. families and residents.
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix The article discusses the proposed renewable energy mandates and the challenges associated with transitioning to more unreliable energy sources like solar and wind.
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy 7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency The article does not mention specific indicators related to this target.
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities 11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage The article does not mention specific indicators related to this target.
SDG 13: Climate Action 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies, and planning The article discusses the potential environmental impact of the proposed renewable energy mandates, suggesting that the claims made by Lansing Democrats do not align with the facts.

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