Hays Options among state grant awardees for survivors of sexual, domestic violence

Hays Options among state grant awardees for survivors of sexual ...  Hays Post

Hays Options among state grant awardees for survivors of sexual, domestic violence

State Grants Awarded to Support Crime Survivors in Kansas

Office of Governor


TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly has announced that $18,489,169 in state grants have been awarded to provide services for adult and child crime survivors in Kansas. These grants aim to address the significant decrease in funding experienced by Kansas programs due to the federal Victims of Crime Act Victim Assistance Grant Program.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The allocation of these state grants aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. The SDGs aim to promote justice, reduce inequalities, and ensure access to essential services for all individuals, including crime victims.

Grant Recipients

The grants have been awarded to programs in Ellis, Barton, and Scott counties.

Importance of Services for Survivors

Governor Kelly emphasized the importance of the services provided by children’s advocacy centers, court-appointed advocates, and domestic violence and sexual assault programs. These services play a crucial role in ensuring that survivors receive the justice they deserve. The grants aim to ensure that communities across Kansas have the necessary resources and services to support crime victims during their time of need.

Utilization of Funding

The funding for these grants comes from state general funds and will be utilized for various purposes, including counseling, shelters, the statewide language-accessible crisis line, safety planning, advocacy for sexual and domestic violence survivors, and training for community-based direct service providers.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs

Domestic violence and sexual assault programs play a vital role in providing shelter, advocacy, and safety planning for individuals who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault. These programs also offer services and essential safety-related information through the statewide language-accessible crisis line (888-END-ABUSE: 888-363-2287).

Children’s Advocacy Centers

Children’s Advocacy Centers are child-focused programs operating within Kansas communities. These centers coordinate a multidisciplinary response to child abuse cases. The grant funds will be used to hire and train staff to conduct child-sensitive forensic interviews of sexual and physical abuse victims. Additionally, these funds will provide advocacy services for victims and non-offending caregivers.

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Programs

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Programs offer training and support to court-appointed citizen volunteers. These volunteers work closely with the courts, legal professionals, and child welfare professionals to ensure the placement of abused and neglected children in permanent and safe environments.

Grant Recipients

The following programs in the area have been awarded grant funds:

2024 SGF for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Grant Awards

  • Ellis County – Options: Domestic & Sexual Violence Services; $545,296

2024 Children’s Advocacy Centers Grant Awards

  • Barton County – Family Crisis Center; $159,704
  • Scott County – Western Kansas Child Advocacy Center; $398,681

SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 5: Gender Equality Target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres Indicator not mentioned in the article
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Target 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere Indicator not mentioned in the article
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children Indicator not mentioned in the article
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Target 16.9: By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration Indicator not mentioned in the article
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals Target 17.17: Encourage and promote effective public, public-private, and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships Indicator not mentioned in the article

1. Which SDGs are addressed or connected to the issues highlighted in the article?

The SDGs that are addressed or connected to the issues highlighted in the article are SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

2. What specific targets under those SDGs can be identified based on the article’s content?

The specific targets under SDG 5 that can be identified based on the article’s content are Target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres.

The specific targets under SDG 16 that can be identified based on the article’s content are Target 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere, Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children, and Target 16.9: By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.

3. Are there any indicators mentioned or implied in the article that can be used to measure progress towards the identified targets?

No, there are no indicators mentioned or implied in the article that can be used to measure progress towards the identified targets.

4. SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 5: Gender Equality Target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres Indicator not mentioned in the article
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Target 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere Indicator not mentioned in the article
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children Indicator not mentioned in the article
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Target 16.9: By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration Indicator not mentioned in the article
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals Target 17.17: Encourage and promote effective public, public-private, and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships Indicator not mentioned in the article

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Source: hayspost.com


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