Nebraska Extension Looking Forward to Meeting You at Husker Harvest Days 2023

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Nebraska Extension Looking Forward to Meeting You at Husker Harvest Days 2023

Husker Harvest Days will be September 12 to September 14



The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, along with Nebraska Extension will be participating in the 2023 Husker Harvest Days farm show, located at Lot 827. This report highlights the various activities and initiatives related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that will be showcased during the event.

Field-Proven Experiences and Research

Over the course of three days, more than 125 Nebraska Extension educators, specialists, and other faculty members will be present at the event to share their field-proven experiences and new data-driven research. The following topics will be covered:

  • On-farm research
  • Irrigation
  • Drinking water
  • Profitability
  • Controlled burns
  • Healthy soils
  • Weather Ready Farms
  • Rural prosperity
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Landscaping
  • Agricultural leadership
  • Careers

Attendees are encouraged to bring plant and insect samples for further analysis and discussion.

Nebraska On-Farm Research Network

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network partners with farmers to evaluate agricultural practices that are applicable to their operations. The network focuses on research topics chosen by farmers, conducted on their fields, and utilizing their equipment. This initiative aligns with SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. Additionally, digital agriculture technologies will be showcased to benefit farming operations.

Agriculture Irrigation and Drinking Water

The agriculture irrigation team will be showcasing tools to help optimize irrigation systems for both cropland and backyard use. Private well owners can also receive assistance in determining the safety of their drinking water. Information on water testing and home water treatment options will be provided. These efforts contribute to SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.

Center for Agricultural Profitability

The Center for Agricultural Profitability will provide innovative data-driven resources to help farmers and ranchers make informed management decisions. This includes tools such as the Agricultural Budgets Calculator, record keeping systems, farm programs, custom rates, and land values surveys. The center’s activities support SDG 1: No Poverty and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Controlled Burns for Pasture and Rangelands

The beef team will focus on the use of controlled burns as a tool for improving pasture and rangelands. Discussions will cover burn preparation and its benefits in terms of improving grass stands, controlling cedar trees, reducing weeds, enhancing wildlife habitat, and improving forage quality. This initiative contributes to SDG 15: Life on Land.

Healthy Soils

Extension experts will assist attendees in assessing soil health and developing customized soil health plans. Healthy soils offer numerous benefits, including improved water storage capacity, which helps mitigate the impacts of droughts and floods. Additionally, healthy soils help filter out contaminants such as nitrate, addressing SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.

Pest Management and Diagnostic Lab

Nebraska Extension provides resources for accurate pest diagnosis and identification. Attendees can learn about pest management techniques and how to send high-quality samples to the UNL Diagnostic Lab. This initiative supports SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 15: Life on Land.

Weather Ready Farms

The Weather Ready Farms program is designed to help Nebraska producers prepare for extreme weather events and climate volatility. Discussions will cover topics such as conservation, natural resource management, soil health improvement, disaster preparedness, farm financial management, and climate-smart agriculture. This program aligns with SDG 13: Climate Action.

Rural Prosperity Nebraska

The Rural Prosperity Nebraska initiative aims to discover, define, and celebrate the culture of rural communities in the state. Extension educators collaborate with community members to co-create projects and plans that maintain and accentuate local traditions and values. This initiative contributes to SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Healthy Lifestyles and Resource Efficient Landscapes

Extension experts will share information about healthy lifestyles and emphasize the importance of community support for overall wellness. Attendees can also seek guidance on resource-efficient landscapes and pest problems. The focus will be on proper plant selection, sustainable management practices, and proven plant health care techniques. These efforts align with SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being and SDG 15: Life on Land.

Nebraska LEAD Program and 4-H College and Career Success

The Nebraska LEAD Program prepares individuals in agriculture for effective leadership roles. It provides knowledge, exposure, experiences, and social skills necessary to address the major challenges facing the agricultural sector. Additionally, the 4-H College and Career Success booth will provide information on potential careers and assist high school students and families in making college and career decisions. These initiatives contribute to SDG 4: Quality Education and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Pesticide Safety Education Program and UNL Dairy Store Ice Cream

The Pesticide Safety Education Program promotes human health protection through outreach and training. It partners with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture to provide safety information to farmers and workers. Additionally, attendees can enjoy UNL Dairy Store Ice Cream, supporting SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.

Crop Skills Challenge

The Crop Skills Challenge, hosted by UNL Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) and Extension’s Water and Cropping Systems team, will test participants’ knowledge and skills in crop production. Challenges include pest identification, grain moisture and yield estimation, problematic plot imagery identification, water use efficiency, and setting siphon tubes. This interactive event aligns with SDG 2: Zero Hunger and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.

Husker Harvest Days 2023

Husker Harvest Days will take place from September 12 to September 14, starting at 8 a.m. each day. The event will be held outside Grand Island, Nebraska. For show programs and maps, visit the


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