The University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University collaboration finds semaglutide treatment is associated with remarkable reductions in Alcohol Use Disorder symptoms

The University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University collaboration finds semaglutide treatment is associated ...  EurekAlert

The University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University collaboration finds semaglutide treatment is associated with remarkable reductions in Alcohol Use Disorder symptoms

The Potential of Semaglutide in Reducing Alcohol Use Disorder Symptoms


The first published evidence from humans that semaglutide specifically reduces the symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) has been published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. This study highlights a recent collaboration between clinicians and scientists at the University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine and Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences. The research focuses on the outcomes of six patients who received semaglutide during treatment for weight loss, demonstrating a significant and noteworthy decrease in their Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals


Semaglutide, known as Ozempic for diabetes treatment and Wegovy for weight loss, has gained attention for its potential impact on addictive behaviors, including reducing drug craving and alcohol consumption. Pre-clinical research in rodents and monkeys has shown that semaglutide is associated with significant decreases in drug and alcohol consumption. Furthermore, many patients taking semaglutide for diabetes and weight loss report a reduction in the urge to drink alcohol.

Research Findings

The lead author, Dr. Jesse Richards, director of Obesity Medicine and assistant professor of Medicine at OU-TU School of Community Medicine, states that this research marks a significant step forward in understanding the potential therapeutic applications of semaglutide in addiction medicine. The study reveals a marked reduction in Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) scores in all six patients who received semaglutide treatment for weight loss. This suggests a potential role for semaglutide in managing Alcohol Use Disorder.

Implications for Future Research

The findings of this study open new avenues for future research into the use of glucagon-like peptide-1 medications, such as semaglutide, in the treatment of addictive behaviors. The researchers emphasize the need for larger, controlled studies to validate and expand upon these initial findings.

Collaborative Research Model

This collaboration between the University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine and Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences serves as an example of the potential when clinicians and scientists collaborate to explore innovative solutions to complex health care challenges.


While further investigation is needed through placebo-controlled clinical trials, the initial findings suggest that semaglutide may have potential in reducing symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder. Until more conclusive results are available, healthcare providers should continue to recommend established behavioral treatments and FDA-validated medications for alcohol use disorder.

Key Takeaways from the Research:

  1. Semaglutide Treatment and Alcohol Use Disorder: The study reveals a marked reduction in Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) scores in all six patients who received semaglutide treatment for weight loss. The results suggest a potential role for this medication in the management of Alcohol Use Disorder.
  2. Implications for Future Research: The findings open new avenues for future research into the use of glucagon-like peptide-1 medications, such as semaglutide, in the treatment of addictive behaviors.
  3. Collaborative Research Model: This collaboration between The University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine and Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences is an example of the potential when clinicians and scientists collaborate to explore innovative solutions to complex health care challenges.

Journal Information

  • Journal: The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
  • Article Title: Significant Decrease in Alcohol Use Disorder Symptoms Secondary to Semaglutide Therapy for Weight Loss: A Case Series
  • Article Publication Date: 27-Nov-2023

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