NHRC notice to U.P, 12 other states over child labour cases

NHRC notice to U.P, 12 other states over child labour cases  Hindustan Times

NHRC notice to U.P, 12 other states over child labour cases

The notice comes after a Punjab-based non-profit organisation — called ‘Sahyog Care for You’ — submitted a complaint regarding the ‘lacklustre’ action taken in 306 cases concerning children in the past year.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) issues notice to U.P and other states over child labour cases

  1. The NHRC has issued a notice to 13 states, including Uttar Pradesh, urging them to be more proactive in identifying and rescuing bonded child labourers.
  2. The notice also emphasizes the need for these states to improve the efficiency of the due process related to child labour cases.

Concerns raised by a non-profit organisation

  • A Punjab-based non-profit organisation called ‘Sahyog Care for You’ submitted a complaint highlighting the lack of action taken in 306 child labour cases in the past year.

High number of bonded child labour cases

  • The NHRC has identified a significant number of bonded child labour cases in states such as Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Assam, Haryana, New Delhi, and Uttar Pradesh.
  • The commission has directed the respective state governments, particularly their labour commissions, to take necessary action in rescuing and rehabilitating children, as well as disbursing compensatory funds.

Legal action against employers

  • The NHRC emphasizes the importance of taking legal action against employers who hire child labourers.
  • The report highlights the need to provide these young individuals with the opportunity to lead a normal life free from exploitation and full of opportunities.

Response expected from labour commissioners

  • The labour commissioners of the respective states are expected to promptly submit their responses to the NHRC.
  • Shekhar Mahajan, the founder of the non-profit organisation, acknowledges that the notice serves as a reminder to state authorities and society that child labour is an unacceptable crime against humanity.

Child labour rehabilitation fund in Uttar Pradesh

  • In Uttar Pradesh, the child labour rehabilitation fund has remained largely untouched, with only three districts disbursing a portion of the funds to rescued victims since 2017.
  • The remaining amount is collecting dust, according to data obtained through an RTI query filed this year.
  • This information has been confirmed by Deputy Labour Commissioner Rakesh Dwivedi.

SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

  1. SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

    • Target 8.7: Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor.
    • Indicator: Number of children engaged in child labor.
  2. SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

    • Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children.
    • Indicator: Number of cases of child labor reported and addressed by national human rights institutions.

Table: SDGs, Targets, and Indicators

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth Target 8.7: Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor. Number of children engaged in child labor.
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children. Number of cases of child labor reported and addressed by national human rights institutions.


1. Which SDGs are addressed or connected to the issues highlighted in the article?

The issues highlighted in the article are connected to SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).

2. What specific targets under those SDGs can be identified based on the article’s content?

Based on the article’s content, the specific targets identified are:

– Target 8.7: Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor.

– Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children.

3. Are there any indicators mentioned or implied in the article that can be used to measure progress towards the identified targets?

Yes, there are indicators mentioned in the article that can be used to measure progress towards the identified targets. The indicators mentioned are:

– Number of children engaged in child labor.

– Number of cases of child labor reported and addressed by national human rights institutions.

These indicators can be used to track the progress in eradicating child labor and addressing cases of abuse and exploitation.

4. Create a table with three columns titled ‘SDGs, Targets, and Indicators’ to present the findings from analyzing the article.

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth Target 8.7: Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor. Number of children engaged in child labor.
SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children. Number of cases of child labor reported and addressed by national human rights institutions.

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Source: hindustantimes.com


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