Pair allegedly withheld food, bathroom privileges in Horry Co. child abuse case

Pair allegedly withheld food, bathroom privileges in Horry Co. child abuse case

Pair allegedly withheld food, bathroom privileges in Horry Co. child abuse case

Report on Child Abuse and Neglect in Horry County, South Carolina


In Horry County, South Carolina, two individuals have been arrested and charged with multiple counts of kidnapping, child endangerment, and abuse. The suspects, Aleesha Michele Washington and Davon Lamont Moore, were apprehended following the discovery of two malnourished children who were abandoned and knocking on a door in Myrtle Beach.

Details of the Incident

On May 7th, around 12:30 a.m., police officers responded to a call at the 6300 block of Bay Road where they found two “abnormally skinny” children. The children reported being cold, hungry, and unaware of their whereabouts. They had been dropped off at a Dunkin Donuts the night before and claimed they had been locked in a room for extended periods the previous summer by an unidentified man.

The children exhibited several scars and bruises, primarily on their backs, with one victim showing signs of lacerations and possible infection. They also disclosed that they were only fed a peanut butter sandwich every one to two days.

Investigation Findings

Upon further investigation, arrest warrants revealed disturbing details about the living conditions imposed by Washington and Moore. The suspects forced one child to lock his adopted brothers in their room, denying them food and bathroom privileges. They also subjected the victims to excessive physical punishment, resulting in permanent disfigurement and potential life-threatening injuries.

Between December 2023 and May 2024, Moore and Washington are alleged to have routinely confined one of the victims by locking him in his bedroom from the outside for hours and tying his hands and feet together with zip ties or other restraints.

Current Status

Both suspects are currently incarcerated at J Reuben Long Detention Center. The South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) is working alongside law enforcement to investigate the incident.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Relevance

This case directly impacts several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including:

  1. Goal 1: No Poverty – The children’s lack of adequate food reflects issues of poverty and food insecurity.
  2. Goal 2: Zero Hunger – The malnourishment of the children highlights the need for access to sufficient and nutritious food.
  3. Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being – The physical abuse and neglect experienced by the children compromise their health and well-being.
  4. Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions – The case underscores the importance of effective institutions to protect children’s rights and ensure justice for victims of abuse.


The case in Horry County is a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges in achieving the SDGs related to poverty, hunger, health, and justice. It is imperative that communities and institutions work together to safeguard the well-being of all children and uphold their rights.


SDG Analysis of Article

1. Which SDGs are addressed or connected to the issues highlighted in the article?

The issues highlighted in the article are connected to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • SDG 2: Zero Hunger
  • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

2. What specific targets under those SDGs can be identified based on the article’s content?

The specific targets under the SDGs based on the article’s content are:

  1. Target 2.2: End all forms of malnutrition
  2. Target 3.2: End preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age
  3. Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children

3. Are there any indicators mentioned or implied in the article that can be used to measure progress towards the identified targets?

The indicators mentioned or implied in the article that can be used to measure progress towards the identified targets are:

  • Indicator 2.2.1: Prevalence of malnutrition (weight for age)
  • Indicator 3.2.1: Under-five mortality rate
  • Indicator 16.2.1: Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced any physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by caregivers in the past month

4. Create a table with three columns titled ‘SDGs, Targets and Indicators” to present the findings from analyzing the article.

SDGs Targets Indicators
SDG 2: Zero Hunger Target 2.2: End all forms of malnutrition Indicator 2.2.1: Prevalence of malnutrition (weight for age)
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being Target 3.2: End preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age Indicator 3.2.1: Under-five mortality rate
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children Indicator 16.2.1: Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced any physical punishment and/or psychological aggression by caregivers in the past month


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